Friday, May 4, 2012

Why don't I do this more often?

When I first moved out on my own, I had scrambled eggs with stuff in them (my version of an omlette, since I'm never successful at keeping the eggs together in omlette form.  Doing it this way saves me a lot of frustration!) for dinner about once a week.  I was always trying new mix-ins, and loved that it was so cheap and easy and relatively healthy.  For some reason I have gotten away from doing that, and within the past few years, if I'm looking for an easy dinner, I tend to go to the freezer and pull out something I made a few weeks ago, or frozen junk (think chicken fingers, tater tots...yummy, but so bad for you!).  I knew that cooking for Wolfey was going to force me to cook more often, which is one of the things I like about making my own dog food, but I didn't even consider that it would bring me full circle, to cooking like I did when I was younger.  Last night, we had scrambled eggs with wilted spinach and sauteed mushrooms mixed in.  I topped mine with a little grated cheddar (Wolfey didn't get any cheese since he's trying to lose a little weight)and I must say, I quite enjoyed myself.  Wolfey did, too :)  I have to wonder why I ever stopped cooking like this.  It's cheap, easy and way more healthy than a frozen meal!  I'm so lucky to cook for my pup, because it reminds me to step outside my cooking comfort zone and into something yummy!

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