Thursday, May 17, 2012

Puppy love

BBS and the monkeys met Mom and Wolfey at the farm this morning to pick rocks out of one of the fields.  On their way home, BBS called to let me know the kids were enjoying Wolfey's company so much they took him home with them.  She told me a story about how Princess was so excited to see Wolfey that she was barking and panting at him and Doll Baby was trying to force-feed Wolfey a bone Mom had brought for him.  Miss Thing has long called Wolfey her cousin-dog but I love that the younger ones are getting in on the action now, too.  I checked in with BBS a little later in the day and she reported that Princess loved having Wolfey around - perhaps a little more than Wolfey would have liked her to love him, and that all was going well.  She said for the time being, Wolfey was laying on their pool deck enjoying the beautiful day.

I just got a call from Mom that BBS was taking the monkeys to their human cousins' house, so Mom had picked Wolfey up so he wouldn't "be weirded out" by being left alone at BBS's house (he's only there a couple times a year and he's never been alone there).  I know a lot of people think I spoil Wolfey and treat him too much like a member of the family, but I love that my family respects that and they consider his feelings in their actions.  I'm so lucky to have a family who accepts Wolfey as a part of the family!

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