Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The "weekend"

I still haven't mastered the art of pre-writing and scheduling when a post will publish and my internet connection at home is so poor that I can sign on to blogspot but when I click "new post," I go straight to a blank white screen and can't write.  So bear with me while I catch up on the weekend.  And yes, I had a 3-day weekend!

Saturday was awesome.  Wolfey and I spent the entire day at home.  We did laundry (meaning I did laundry and he laid at the top of the stairs watching me, since he's scared of the basement) and hung it outside (meaning I hung the laundry while he chased birds) in the beautiful weather.  We did yardwork (meaning I pulled weeds while he barked at the neighbors, who were out walking their dogs).  We cleaned the house (meaning I did dishes, ran the vacuum, etc. while he shed all over the place).  But mostly, we snuggled on the couch and watched an entire season of Will and Grace (meaning I laid on the couch and he sat on my chest, forcing me to pet him).  It was a wonderful, Wolfey-filled day!

Sunday was a bit crazy.  The Girl's other foster mom and I had planned a road trip to take her out on a pass.  We agreed to meet at my house at 10:00, for an 11:30 pass (it takes an hour and a half.  This math works, no?) but then she scheduled the pass for 12:00.  No problem, this just gives us a little cushion in case either of us is running late, there's traffic or we have to stop for gas.  Then she showed up more than a half hour early!  I was piddling around the house finishing up some last minute morning things (like eating breakfast!) when there was a knock at the door.  Yikes!  I tried to kill time, but there's only so much running around the house pretending you're not ready you can do when someone's sitting in your living room.  We ended up leaving about 20min early, when we already had a 30min cushion.  Needless to say, we arrived nearly an hour early, the facility made us wait and everyone was irritated.  NOT a great way to start a pass!  There was drama, anxiety and tears, but in the end, there was love, togetherness and a pretty good time :)

Monday was FUN!  The Best Big Sis picked me up from the shop to get my car fixed and I had an entire day of BBS, Doll Baby and Princess!  Seriously, does it get much better?  Oh, yes.  It does.  Because we also stopped to visit Dad, bought and planted Mom's Mother's Day flowers and hung out at BBS's house for a little while so I got to see the older monkeys when they got home from school.  I swear, Schmo gives the best hugs EVER!!  Then Mom picked me up, we visited for a little while and Dad took me down to get my car.  Seriously, I have an amazing family and I am so lucky to have so many people who could help me out yesterday!

So here I sit, back at work.  Strangely, I was kind of looking forward to getting back to my routine, but as I look back over the past three days, I wish every day could be like that!  I am so lucky to have so many wonderful people in my life!

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