Friday, May 11, 2012

I'm still learning

I don't quite have Wolfey's feeding schedule down.  Most of the books I've read about cooking for your dog agree that 50% of their protein should come from poultry, 40% from red meat (pork and beef) and 10% from organ meat.  Additionally, each week a dog Wolfey's size (about 30lbs) should get one egg, 1T plain yogurt and one serving (1/3 of a cup for a dog his size) of fish.  This sounds a little confusing, but I figured out that if Wolfey eats twice a day, this means he should eat poultry for one meal each day and his other meal each day should rotate: beef, pork, beef pork, fish, beef, pork, beef, pork, organ, and so on.  It's not exact, but it's close enough.  Of course, unless I'm completely anal and write Wolfey's meals on a calendar, I can never remember what he ate the day before!  But the real problem comes in on days like Wednesday and yesterday.  Wolfey and I spent the night at my parents' house Wednesday night, meaning that he ate turkey "pupcakes" (I bake balanced dog meals in cupcake pans and freeze them for Wolfey to eat later) for three meals in a row.  I'm so lucky my parents love Wolfey and welcome him into their home, but now I'm trying to figure out how to get him back on his schedule.  I'll get the hang of this some day!


  1. Ok, you're making us moms of human kids look bad! You put more thought and time into feeding your little 4 legged baby than I do for all 10 legs of mine combined!

    1. Yes, but the monkeys can tell you what they want and when they want it, so you don't have to put as much thought into it. Remember, my plants would be a lot more likely to survive if they could cry about being hungry or thirsty ;) Same with Wolfey! He can't tell me what he needs, so I have to try to remember. And it's not always easy!
