Saturday, May 19, 2012

After all we'd overcome when Wolfey first came to me, a few years ago he developed new behavioral issues.  I chalked it up to lots of changes in our lives - in 2 years time, we moved three times, had my ex move in and then back out of our home and I changed jobs (meaning I changed Wolfey's schedule) twice.  Not only did we move, but we moved in with my parents (while my house was on the market) and then back out on our own (when my house sold, I bought a new one and my boyfriend moved in).  Too many changes, even for me, and I understood what was going on!  Poor Wolfey just couldn't handle it.  He started chewing on himself and had gotten to the point where he had bald patches and was starting to get sores.  The vet thought it was anxiety due to the changes (I agreed) and put Wolfey on Prozac.  I was hesitant since I don't like to use medication unless it's absolutely necessary but I didn't know what else to do.  Wolfey became completely lethargic, refusing to play or even to snuggle.  Worried, I took Wolfey back to the vet, refusing further medication and requesting a natural treatment.  We were given fish oil to help with skin irritation and make his fur stronger and healthier and I began to see improvement.  Looking back, I realize that most of the improvement was because Wolfey was settling in to our new routine and wasn't so anxious, but at the time I thought the fish oil had been our saviour. 

A few years and many changes (kids coming into and out of our house, my work schedule changing again, etc.) later, Wolfey began chewing himself again.  We went back to the vet and once again they wanted to put him on Prozac.  I protested and they agreed to a lower dose, but insisted he needed the Prozac.  This time Wolfey didn't become lethargic, but he didn't stop chewing, either.  In fact, he got worse.  He chewed his front right paw until he got a sore.  We went to the vet several times and every time they treated the symptoms but never looked for the source of the problem.  Finally, one day I was talking to my aunt, who is a dog groomer.  She recommended a vet in the next town over who specializes in holistic treatment for animals, meaning he looks at the big picture and what is causing an issue rather than just treating the problems.  One visit, a couple hundred dollars and several dietary supplements later, Wolfey was improving by leaps and bounds.  Wolfey still takes his fish oil every day, but now I know that it's so much more than just a skin issue - Wolfey has long term health issues that need to be addressed.  And we're both so lucky I love him enough to help him through this.

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