Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Bath day

When it was just Wolfey and I in the house, I had a pretty good schedule, giving him a bath every other Wednesday.  It started that way when he first came to my house, because Wednesday was my late day at work so I had extra time in the morning.  I found that if I bathed him every week his skin got too dry and he seemed to itch more but if I waited three weeks he got a little dirty and his coat just wasn't as soft.  So every other week it was.  It was great routine.  Until Lolly came along.  She is just a stinky dog!  Since Lolly is dirtier than Wolfey and likes to get into things, the routine went out the window, in favor of a "bathe them when Lolly needs it" attitude.  Sometimes I'm able to go two weeks, sometimes it's only two days.  I'll admit that I don't always bathe Wolfey when Lolly needs it, because it just seems mean to give him a bath two days in a row just because she got into something.  The up side: I no longer have to remember when they're due for baths, because Lolly's stink-o-meter lets me know.  The down side: sometimes Lolly has had so many baths that I kind of forget to clean Wolfey.  This morning they both got baths and I remembered just how white Wolfey's chest should be.  I guess he was a little dirtier than I'd realized!

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