Monday, February 11, 2013

Thank goodness I'm a handyman

The other night Man and I were sitting at the dining room table having dinner.  We had been working around the house, getting it ready for him to move in and were pretty warm from our work.  As soon as I sat down to the table I got cold and got back up to grab a sweatshirt, but by the time we finished dinner I was freezing.    I try to live green, and I keep my house pretty cool in the winter (my friends often tease me that they have to bundle up when coming to my house) so I didn't worry too much about it, but I did find it odd that I got so cold when I'm used to my house being cold.  Fast forward to this morning, as I was putting together the dogs' breakfast.  I heard my blinds on my sliding glass door in the dining room rattling.  Often times Lolly knocks into them while trying to look out the window, but this morning she and Wolfey were outside.  Sometimes they rattle when the furnace kicks on, but this time it had just shut off a minute or so before.  I couldn't figure out what was going on, so I walked over to check it out.  It was really windy outside, and I could actually feel the breeze blowing in around my door frame!  No wonder I was freezing the other night!  So before work this morning, I busted out the caulking and got to work.  Yes, I was late to work, but I'm not going to have to don a parka the next time Man and I have a nice dinner in!

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