Saturday, April 28, 2012


I remember being 30 and someone said something about me being "in my 30s" and I said, "Whooa! (I reminded myself of Debra Messing on "Will and Grace") I am 30.  I am NOT in my thirties!"  It's funny how, despite the fact that I'm much more settled, more stable and all around more happy now, I still cling to my youth.  Is this normal?  Let's look back.  11 years ago, at 20, I was in college and surrounded by friends, without a care in the world.  Unfortunately, I was too naive to realize how good I had it.  I felt like 9am classes and working part time were way too much to take on and thought I was stressed out. I definitely didn't I appreciate what I had.  8 years ago, in my early twenties, I was just graduating from college, living 2 hours from home and missing my family like crazy, didn't have a thing in the world I could call my own (I rented my apartment, owed my parents for my car and didn't have any kids or pets) and despite the fact that I had lots of friends from college and high school, they were scattered among several states and I didn't have any friends within a half hour's drive.  5 years ago, in my mid twenties, I was in a job I hated, in an unhealthy relationship, still owed my parents for my car, although it was a car I hated due to my now-ex having totalled the car I loved and despite the fact that I had established a solid group of friends, I still didn't have a "best friend" or a close group of friends that was nearby.  Now, "in my thirties," I feel as if I'm finally truly happy.  I have a job that I generally enjoy (although every job has its ups and downs), have the best nieces, nephews and pup in the world, live close to my family, own my home and live pretty comfortably.  All in all, I'm just enjoying life.  On top of all this, I have an amazing group of friends, including an incredible sister to whom I'm closer than I've ever been, a best friend who I don't see nearly often enough but I know we'll always be there for each other and lots of friends who are close by so I've always got an option for a fun evening out.  So why is it that I still cling to my twenties?  My mom is "in her fifties" and she's not old, so why does admitting that I'm "in my thirties" feel so old?  I don't really have the answer, but I can say that I couldn't be happier right now and I wouldn't change a thing.  I am loving life.  At 27 ;)

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