Friday, April 6, 2012

Meet Wolfey

Wolfey, Pup, my baby, the doesn't really matter what you call him, Wolfey is truly one of the great loves of my life.  Much of my blog will be about him.  His health issues, his behavioral issues, and just how lucky I am to love him!
Okay, so it's not the best picture.  Heck, he's not the best looking dog, for that matter!  But he's mine.  I met Wolfey on July 25, 2004 and 24 hours later he became the only male I've ever been able to live with!  I had just graduated college, gotten my first "real job" and was living by myself in a strange town.  I was scared, lonely and had no real way to meet anyone.  I had always been an animal lover but never really liked the idea of having inside pets.  Unfortunately I was living in an apartment and it was inside pet or no pet at all.  Enter Wolfey. 

I went to the local shelter looking for the biggest dog I could find that still fell within the apartment complex's height and weight restrictions.  Every dog they had was either a yappy little "kick dog", as my dad would call them, or too big to live in my tiny apartment.  Finally I went to the staff, who told me they had one dog who met my requirements, but assured me that "you won't want him."  Before they would allow me to meet Wolfey, they explained that he had been so badly abused that if anyone went near him he would pee himself, he'd had such bad fleas that he had chewed and scratched off most of his fur (he was bald from the shoulders back, including that beautiful curly tail!) and that he was severely under weight.  I didn't care; I convinced them to let me see him...and it was love at first sight!  Wolfey allowed me to pet him right away (something I was told he hadn't done for anyone in all the time he had been at the shelter) and something in those big, brown bug eyes told me he was the one.  The shelter had a 24-hour waiting period, and I'm sure they thought I wouldn't be back, but the next day I rushed home from work to go pick up my baby.  And the rest, as they say, is history! 

Wolfey maxed out my apartment's height and weight restrictions, but thankfully he's so loveable that the apartment manager liked him, too, and she didn't make an issue of the fact that I was breaking the rules once he got up to a healthy weight.  I learned when I picked Wolfey up that he was actually scheduled to be put down a few days later.  It's so incredible to know that I saved his life, and I believe that Wolfey knows that.  He has been the most loving, loyal dog I have ever known and I am so lucky to love him!

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