Sunday, April 8, 2012

Poached tilapia with lemon butter sauce over noodles and peas

Sound yummy?  It was!  Wolfey thought so, too.  Yep, that's right, Wolfey eats what I eat.  Discussing this is one of those times when my sister tells me, "you're lucky I love you!" but I think she's starting to understand why I cook for Wolfey.  Did you know that commercial dog food wasn't invented until about 60 years ago?  Before that, all dogs ate the scraps their people left.  And dogs were much healthier then.  The problem was, as people began to eat more processed foods, especially fast food, "people food" became worse and worse for dogs and eventually there was a need (other than just convenience) for dog food.  I'm sure you've heard the saying, "I wouldn't feed that to my dog!" - if it's not good enough for the dog, why do we eat it?  So at this point you're wondering why I don't just do what most Americans do and feed my dog dog food, right?  Well, it's the same reason I don't eat fast food (wow, I was typing really fast and that came out as fat food...very appropriate!) every day - it's just not as healthy as home cooked meals!  There are lots of other reasons I cook for Wolfey - I enjoy it, he enjoys it, it gets me to cook different things for myself too, he has special dietary needs that  I couldn't meet through a commercial dog food (more on that later), his behavior has improved (more on that later, too), it's healthier, I could go on - but it really boils down to one main reason.  I cook for my dog just as you probably cook for your loved ones.  And with meals like that, boy am I lucky I love him!

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