Saturday, November 3, 2012

BBS = Builder, Believer, Supporter

I know I've mentioned before that I have the best big sister in the entire world, but she really is amazing.  I love that she's just as excited over this job opportunity I'm creating for myself as I am.  Maybe more so!  She has been an awesome help, and I feel like I've made great progress toward finding a job that is truly right for me.  I really couldn't do this without her.  She's been teasing me, of course, that with as much work as she's putting in she ought to be getting paid, but I promised I'd pay her in "awesome auntie hours" and she's such a great mom, I think she's just as happy to see her kids benefit from her hard work as she would be to be paid in actual money!


  1. give me too much credit. I want the CASH!!

    Your BBS

    1. Look at it this way: if this job means a promotion, that will mean more money. If I have more money, you know where I'll spend it...on your kids! So indirectly, you'd be getting the cash. Oh, how I'd love to be Auntie Shoes again!
