Thursday, May 30, 2013
UPDATE: I actually wrote this about a week ago but there was just too much going on and I didn't get around to posting it. Today I was going to post about our zoo trip yesterday but I can't get the pictures to load, so I'm resorting to an old post. Okay, all that was to say that we have started tieing Lolly in the back yard when she goes outside and she has now gone nearly a week without a bath. It also keeps Wolfey from wondering as far since he doesn't like to get too far from Lolly. This is working nicely and also forcing Man and I to walk daily so Lolly can get her exercise. Win, win, win!
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Juicing, part 7, the final days
Day 13: Friday, Weight 201
Today is the last day of the full fast. I was really hoping that number up there was going to be an even 200 but for some reason the weight loss has slowed down. I can't complain too much, though; 15 pounds in 13 days is pretty impressive. I'm feeling good and enjoying the fact that I no longer need to eat but I am looking forward to real food again. I still wonder if this was the most healthy way to do a cleanse, but all in all I feel good and it's been a fairly positive experience. I really hope we can keep up with juicing once I'm eating.
Day 14: Saturday, Weight 200
I DID IT!! I had to weigh myself again today just to see if I was able to hit 200 before starting with real food and I did! I'm really looking forward to dinner tonight!
Later in the day: Dinner was kind of a disappointment. Man and I took the girls to our favorite restaurant and although it was great to eat again and even better to sit down together as a family, the food just didn't taste that good. I only ate about half of my meal and took it home with me, hoping it may taste better to me tomorrow. (Note from the day I'm posting instead of the day I wrote this: it didn't really taste any different. I'm wondering if it was the food and not me) I'm really looking forward to seeing how this goes in the future. The plan is to continue to juice during the day, but to eat a healthy breakfast and dinner. We'll see!
Monday, May 27, 2013
Sick puppies
Man and I have been crazy busy lately. We ran out of our premade dog food and have been scrounging for whatever we can give them. Admittedly, there have been a couple times lately when that has meant dry food or just a piece of chicken thrown out the back door so they can gnaw on it at their leisure. Unfortunately, this means they haven't been getting their supplements at every meal. I didn't really think about it until Man told me he arrived home to a big Lolly puddle today, but I wonder if that's why Wolfe has been acting out, too. Lolly's illness is kidney disease. Pretty straight forward. If she doesn't get her meds, her kidneys start to shut down, she doesn't process things right and she has accidents. Wolfey's illness, on the other hand, is much more complicated and tends to manifest as behavioral issues. This could explain why he's been licking himself more, why he's regressing in his behavior toward the cat and why he snapped at Man yesterday. It certainly doesn't justify that behavior, but it sure would explain a lot!
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Man v. dog
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Voicemail from Man
Either I mumbled, he can't hear or we're both crazy but I'm pretty sure I didn't call him Wolf. The world may never know!
Friday, May 24, 2013
I do have an excuse, though. Wednesday I spent about 5 hours on the road driving to have lunch with an old college friend and visit The Girl. It was a great time but really exhausting. Of course, it didn't help that I had time to kill in between so I went shopping! I was hoping to get a dress for our engagement pictures next week but came home with two dresses, six shirts and a pair of shoes! Thursday Man and I went to IKEA in hopes of finding something to help us organize the girls' room and came home with about $125 worth of stuff, none of which was for the girls! Oops! Still, it was a great day and we really needed that fun time together. We got home just in time to do a quick clean up of the house before our realtor arrived to check out the house and give us the bad news that not only has the house has depreciated about 25% since I bought it five years ago, but there have been so many foreclosures in our area that even the nice houses are being listed for way less than they're worth. So this whole selling the house thing may have to be put on hold a little while. I did the math and with Man getting a new job in Cincinnati and me already working on the outskirts of Cincinnati, we could save almost $750 a month in mileage just by moving closer to the state line (we currently live in nowhere'sville Indiana). We know the benefits of moving, but now that we know the cost we had to sit down and really hash it out last night. We still haven't decided for sure what we're going to do, but at least now we know our options and have had the opportunity to really talk about it. We shall see what happens!
So anyway, that's my laundry list of reasons why I haven't been around much lately. Forgive me? I promise I'll finish up the juicing info as soon as I can!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Juicing, part 6
Things seem pretty normal now. I don't even miss eating any more. I still think I need protein and that doing this long term would be pretty unhealthy, but all in all I'm feeling good. No more horrible headaches, no more hunger pangs (my stomach does still growl a lot; I guess I'm just able to ignore it) and I'm no longer having cravings. I'm looking forward to getting back to eating and seeing how my attitude toward food has changed. Don't get me wrong, I'd still love to chow down on a huge melty pizza or dig into a giant bowl of ice cream, but I also look at that number up there and realize how close I am to being under 200 pounds and that feels better than any food could ever taste. Oh, boy, I just went all Kate Moss. Sorry about that! Really, though, I do look better and feel better about myself. BBS says she can really see it in my face and while I'm not seeing the weight loss in my body or how my clothes fit, my face definitely looks thinner and my skin is so much clearer! Though we won't be running again until after this is done, Man and I have started walking daily and I think that's going to help keep up the weight loss even after I go back to eating real food.
Side note, I got to spend the evening with my mom tonight and it was really great to catch up. My parents live in a beautiful, quiet neighborhood and we sat out on the porch and talked for hours. I've missed that! Grandpa is still in the nursing home and not doing the best, but things are finally settling down and we're all having an opportunity to catch up on some much needed together-but-not-at-the-hospital time!
Day 12: Thursday
Scratch that about not seeing the weight loss in my body or in how my clothes fit.
I realize I haven't given an update on Man in a while, but it's because he has stopped keeping notes. He says he's doing well and feels like he can sustain eating one sensible meal a day and juicing the rest of the day for quite some time. We'll see how that works once I'm eating again and he has more access to food, but I hope he's right. He hasn't seen as much weight loss as me, but he says he can feel it in how his clothes fit and I can see it in his skin and clarity of mind. I'm so proud of him for completely stopping drinking pop (he was drinking nearly half a case of Diet Coke a day) and nearly eliminating the processed foods. He still has a ways to go to really eat healthy, but this is amazing progress in a short time and he's really trying!
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Jury duty
Juicing, part 5
I've realized that since I've gotten so far behind this is getting a little confusing, so I'm going to start including days of the week, and I'm hoping to go back through and do that from the beginning. Bear with me!
Day 9: Monday, Weight 205
Today has been a day of recovery. Last night was brutal and I'm still not feeling good. I'm definitely better than I was the first couple days but no where near where I was before trying to run. I'm super tempted to eat some protein. I keep thinking that will make the dizziness go away. I know we did our research before starting this but it's seeming more and more like a really stupid idea. I'm ready for this to be over.
Day 10: Tuesday
I'm feeling so much better than yesterday. I've got Doll Baby and Princess today while BBS serves jury duty (daggonit, I never did write that post!) and they're keeping me going, but surprisingly (thankfully!) I'm not really suffering. I had a headache when I woke up this morning but other than that I'm feeling good. I even went jumpy jumpy (bounced on the trampoline) with Princess for a while. It was really great to spend some time with the monkeys and I even got to see the older ones for a little while when they got home from school. We've all been so busy lately (and honestly, I've been pretty grumpy) that we haven't taken the time to just enjoy each other. Today was a great day!
Interesting side note: Man and I are both chapstick addicts but we have noticed that neither one of us is using nearly as much as before we started the juice fast. We don't really know if it's because we're drinking more or if there's some nutrient in which we were deficient but either way we like not being so tied to our little tubes of lip balm!
Thursday, May 16, 2013
In need of suggestions
Juicing, part 4, no TMI to report (I'm sure you're disappointed)
It's Saturday! My day off this week. We're celebrating Mother's Day, too, which is nice. Things are going well with the fast, really nothing to report. I'm feeling the best I have so far, in a good mood and not terribly hungry. Hopefully this keeps up! Princess kept reaching for my cup while we were out buying flowers to plant at my grandma's house so finally I let her try it. She didn't make a nasty face, but she also didn't drink any more when I offered it! While we were making juice Man and I were actually joking around and having fun. It was the best time I've had in a while. We laughed and teased each other and talked about the ridiculousness that is the amount of fruit and veggies in our fridge. We actually bought a 25lb bag of carrots the other day. Crazy! Man doesn't think we'll ever get through that many carrots, but I bet him we'd go through it in a week. We'll see who's right!
Man feels awful today. He opted out of celebrating Mother's Day with us, just because he didn't want to leave the house.
Day 8: Sunday
It's been a pretty good day. I'm a little more tired and grumpy than I was yesterday but basically okay. I'm working today and I'm training the new guy, so I think that's helping keep me busy and keep my mind off things. Happy Mother's Day, by the way! Miss Thing asked me yesterday to run a 5K with her this summer and of course I said yes, so we started training today. Not a good idea. Feeling woozy and weak, like I'm drunk only not having fun. I thought I was going to pass out on the path and then again later at home. Man got me settled on the couch and then went to take care of the evening chores. He's getting the laundry from the drier, putting the sheets back on the bed and taking care of everything. Thank goodness!
Man didn't write any notes for this day but he reported feeling pretty good. Currently he's eating lunch and juicing the rest of the day. He told me he had homemade soup with lots of chicken in it today. It sounded good and I'm super jealous!
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Big day
I spent the day with the monkeys today. BBS is serving jury duty and needed a sitter so I met her in town and traded cars with her so I'd have the car seats. Man and I took the kids to see Grandpa in the nursing home and then ran some errands and then the kids and I went back to their house while Man went home to work. I'm completely exhausted and can't wait to go to bed but it was a really awesome day. The monkeys were great and I really loved getting to spend some time with them. Things have been kind of crazy lately with business picking up at work and spending so much time at the hospital and nursing home and it was really great to slow down and have a fun monkey day!