Monday, May 13, 2013

Juicing, Part 3, the TMI continues

I continue to write from notes for Day 5 since I wasn't feeling up to blogging about this until Day 6.  So again, things will be a little odd.  Just don't judge me on my grammar and we'll be fine!  For the record, though, a whole new TMI is just around the corner.  You've been warned!

Day 5: Thursday, Weight 212
Can this be right? Have I really lost 4 pounds in 5 days? Wow! I'm not feeling bad physically (though still super tired) but I'm crazy moody. It's only 12:30 and I've already cried twice today and come close a few more times. I really hope this passes soon! (later in the day) I don't feel super hungry but I want to eat something really badly.  Everywhere I look there is temptation and I'm having a really hard time saying no.  Really weird, but I'm craving Cheez-Its.  I think knowing that Man is eating is making it even harder, but I'm really trying to hold out.  I'm just not all here today. Shouldn't this part be past by now? Also, I've been cold all day and achy all over. Is this really the juice fast or am I getting sick?

Man is in Indianapolis to meet an old friend so no update here.

Day 6: Friday
I didn't update my notes last night because it was too late. Man went to Indianapolis to meet up with an old friend who was in town from Florida. I had fully expected them to go out to dinner due to the fact that the friend had worked all day and would need to eat and was anticipating that Man would have had limited options and probably wouldn't eat the greatest and I was pleasantly surprised when he told me he had grilled chicken and a side salad. Unfortunately, later he admitted that it was a grilled chicken sandwich (meaning sauce, bread and processed food, none of which are allowed on this fast/cleanse/diet/whatever you want to call it) and he had a beer with dinner. I know, one beer isn't the end of the world, but alcohol is most definitely not allowed right now! With as emotional as I was yesterday, I knew if I said anything I was going to completely go off, so I bit my tongue, but now I just can't stop thinking about how this whole thing was his idea and I'm sticking with it while he's completely bailed. It's making it that much harder to sit here and stare at my juice cup knowing that odds are he's going to eat something yummy today. Oh, and I started...well, you That could account for some of the moodiness but it was really extreme yesterday so I don't think that's all of it. Also, I am now a Play Doh Fun Factory, as well. Awesome.  I've been super grumpy all day all day and just feel like complete crap.  By the time I got home I felt so awful I crashed on the couch and barely moved the rest of the night.

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