Friday, May 10, 2013


Okay, I think I'm past the angry phase and able to talk about this process without getting all crabby.  We shall see!  Man and I have both been keeping a record of how things have been going and for the first couple days I'll be going from our notes, since my brain was foggy and I don't really remember much.  Please bear with me if things don't seem to really flow!  Warning: there is a bit of TMI!

Day 1: Sunday, Weight 216, I plan to weigh in every 3-4 days
Today was The Girl's birthday so I went to visit her.  Since it's a two hour drive each way, I figured I should eat something, just to make sure I had enough energy to get me there and back.  I had a relatively healthy breakfast before I hit the road and started juicing when I left the visit.  Man had packed me a thermos full of juice and I filled my cup as soon as I got to the car.  It was around 1:30 when I got out of the visit and I didn't realize how hungry I was until I started drinking the juice, then I discovered I was famished.  It was about all I could do to not stop somewhere on my way home, but once I got home there wasn't so much temptation and things weren't so bad, though I continue to be starving!  I feel a little weak and cranky due to not eating but basically okay.  My brain is really fuzzy and I'm a bit dizzy, almost like I've been drinking.  From the research we did prior to starting, I expected to be in the restroom a lot but I haven't been.  I'm wondering when that's going to start.

Man reports essentially the same. 

Day 2: Monday
 I'm generally a morning person but I slept until a little after 10:00 and Man slept past noon.  I had big plans to clean out the closet in Man's office but I got a bunch of stuff pulled out and made one trip to the basement and was wiped out; I didn't accomplish much the rest of the day.  When Man finally got up we went up to the hospital to visit Grandpa.  We were both sleepy and cranky but made it through.  On the way home we stopped at the grocery store to get our fruits and veggies for the next few days and it was torture.  By the time we were done we were both exhausted, on top of being grumpy from seeing and smelling foods we couldn't have.  I really don't feel that bad. I think the hunger is more mental at this point, as my stomach isn't growling as much today (though it is growling) but I really want to chew something. Still no extra restroom time.  In fact, I've been peeing a ton because of drinking so much, but the, umm, other know... well, that hasn't happened today.  At all.  Physically I'm not bad but my head is throbbing. My brain isn't as fuzzy as yesterday but my teeth feel furry. I feel like I need to brush my teeth every couple of hours.

Man reports about the same, although he doesn't seem to have the issue with the furry teeth.  I'm wondering what's going on there.  Man wonders if the lack of restroom time is because our bodies were so deficient in the nutrients we're consuming that there just isn't any waste.  Possible, but if it's true, it's kind of scary that we've been depriving our bodies!

I realize this is turning into a really long post, so let's stop here for the time.  Hopefully I'll keep at this two days at a time until I've caught up.  Maybe then I can write about something else!  Tune in tomorrow for even more TMI!

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