Okay...yada yada, blah, blah, umm...alright, I think I'm caught up on what I've written so far! I continue to write from my notes. Remember, the first couple days were pretty foggy. More TMI this time than last, just so you've had your heads up!
Day 3: Tuesday
(My notes were awful, so I'm pretty much winging it on this part!) We both got up earlier than Day 2, but I still slept later than usual. I think it was just before 9:00 when I got up and I'm usually up around 7:30 on my days off. We stayed home all day and didn't do much. We did make several batches of juice, to get us through Days 3 and 4, since I went back to work on Day 4 and I did a little cleaning but that's about it. I feel like we went somewhere but my brain's still a little fuzzy so I'm not entirely sure. I remember that I was super tired all day and really didn't want to do anything.
Man has been feeling like crap today. He woke up a little earlier than yesterday and was feeling just awful. He says he felt better once he got up and made some juice, but he just has no energy. Here's where the real TMI comes in, so you may want to just skip to the next paragraph...Man has finally had the weird poo. It's not at all what we expected, though. We really thought with all the extra fruits and veggies that we'd be having diarrhea. This is also what we were led to believe with the research we did. Strangely, Man said it was more thick and globby like Play Doh. Of course I couldn't leave it there and have been calling him my little Play Doh Fun Factory ever since. He's not amused.
Day 4: Wednesday
I returned to work today and I'm pretty much feeling okay but I'm completely exhausted. Of course it was a truck day so there was lots to do and while it helped to keep my mind off things, it also depleted my energy that much faster. I'm working with my new girl, who happens to love chips. I'm starting to hate her. I finally used the restroom but it wasn't much and no Play Doh for me. I'm still fuzzy but the dizziness seems to have subsided and although I'm starving, I don't have that intense urge to chew that I did the first few days.
Man nearly caused a car accident today. Scary stuff. He was going to the grocery store to get more juicing supplies and was just too out of it from hunger. He made an executive decision and got some rotisserie chicken at the deli. He was scared to tell me because he thought I'd be disappointed in him, but we discussed that this whole process is about learning to listen to our bodies instead of our taste buds and clearly his body was telling him he needed something, so I was actually proud of him. We agreed that he needs to eat some protein every day and discussed options on how to stick to the fast as well as possible while still making sure he gets what he needs. Man wanted to juice for breakfast and lunch and then have a sensible dinner but we discussed several reasons why I would prefer some alternatives. 1. If the point of this program is to change our relationship with food, wouldn't it make sense to still feel a bit "deprived" and only have the protein instead of a complete meal? I proposed that Man have only a chicken breast, piece of fish or handful of nuts instead of a meal. 2. Breakfast should be your heaviest meal of the day. It sets the tone for the rest of the day and prepares your body to burn a higher level of fat and calories. If you have a super light breakfast (i.e. juice) and then a heavier meal at the end of the day (i.e. a "sensible dinner"), your body isn't really prepared for that late meal. I suggested that if Man wanted to have one meal a day, he make it a healthy breakfast, such as a couple eggs and juice. 3. If Man does decide to have a complete meal at one point in the day, I suggested that he still eat a cleanse diet, which would be all whole, fresh foods, no sugar, dairy, grains or processed food. He was disappointed about not being able to have rice, and of course he needs to do what works for his body, but that was my suggestion. He wanted me to do the same but as long as my body is accepting it, I'm going to continue the program as planned. I'm not really sure what he settled on for himself but I'm sure I'll find out soon!
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