Thursday, May 16, 2013

In need of suggestions

Since Man and I started juicing, we're really trying to change our attitude toward food.  It's great, because we're working toward being healthier and doing good things for our bodies, but it's really taking a tole on our relationship.  Not only because we were both so grumpy for so long when we first started, but also because historically, our date nights have always revolved around food!  Don't get me wrong, we're fine and we'll get through this just like we have and will overcome anything that comes our way, we're just lacking a little creativity on this one.  We've gone round and round trying to come up with ideas.  I suggested a movie, but he thinks a complete date would be dinner and a movie, because otherwise you're just sitting together in a dark room, staring at a screen and not interacting.  I suggested we walk around Newport but he thinks all the restaurants and snack shops would just be too tempting.  So now it's on you all.  Give me date ideas!  Leave them in the comments so others can build on them.  Help!


  1. pick something active! hiking or there's a place in Indy called "go ape" I believe!

  2. kayak, hike at the park, drive through the country, go camping, grill together (atleast it's grilled!), try making healthy recipes together, landscape together, rent movie at home with healthy popcorn, but whatever you do don't go car shopping! It is sad when the car salesmen is scared to talk to you since you are arguing too much! Malorie

    1. I can only imagine you guys scaring off the salesmen! I'm sure you had fun and I hear your new car is very nice!

  3. Kayaking or hiking sound like fun! Frisbee golf is fun and free and the course at Winton Woods is beautiful and shaded. Versailles State Park has horseback riding or fishing...your possibilities are endless!

    These are all active and let you still communicate and create a healthy habit of exercising together! Maybe try something new each week this summer?

    Good Luck! I love that you are doing this together!

    Your BBS

  4. Wow, you guys have awesome ideas! We've already started walking at a local park several nights a week (our goal is to get up to 6 nights a week but so far it's been 3 or 4) but hiking is a great idea. There's a beautiful state park about half an hour from us, so that would be a good one, and hopefully one we can get the girls in on. I love that all the ideas are active! This is going to be such a great reference! Keep the ideas coming!
