Man and I have been crazy busy lately. We ran out of our premade dog food and have been scrounging for whatever we can give them. Admittedly, there have been a couple times lately when that has meant dry food or just a piece of chicken thrown out the back door so they can gnaw on it at their leisure. Unfortunately, this means they haven't been getting their supplements at every meal. I didn't really think about it until Man told me he arrived home to a big Lolly puddle today, but I wonder if that's why Wolfe has been acting out, too. Lolly's illness is kidney disease. Pretty straight forward. If she doesn't get her meds, her kidneys start to shut down, she doesn't process things right and she has accidents. Wolfey's illness, on the other hand, is much more complicated and tends to manifest as behavioral issues. This could explain why he's been licking himself more, why he's regressing in his behavior toward the cat and why he snapped at Man yesterday. It certainly doesn't justify that behavior, but it sure would explain a lot!
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