Monday, December 3, 2012


I try to be green, but there are some things you just can't avoid.  One of those is bad food.  Even with cooking for the dogs, I occasionally have food go bad.  If it's just starting to turn, I compost it, but even with that there are some things (grease, cooked bones, etc.) I don't want in my compost, so I always keep a jar under the sink.  The other day I discovered some bad cauliflower in my fridge.  Bad as in stinky and starting to get moldy.  I pulled it out and put it in the jar and, since the jar was only about half full, stuck the jar back in the cabinet.  This morning, not thinking about it, I pulled the jar out to scrape a dish that had been soaking in the sink and when I opened the jar, the stench about knocked me over.  I quickly scraped my dish and threw the jar away, despite the fact that it still had lots of room in it.  I put out a dish of baking soda and a bowl of vinegar (both good, green ways to absorb odors) and went on with my morning, avoiding the kitchen for a bit, but when I went back in a while later, I discovered it still something had died in my kitchen!  I know a lot of people are complaining that this warm weather just doesn't feel like December, but I'm so thankful that I could open the windows and air out my house while I'm at work today!

Oh, and yesterday, I was gone from 8:30am-10:00pm without a single ornament casualty!  Here's hoping Lolly has finally lost interest in the tree!

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