Thursday, December 6, 2012

My girls

BBS needed someone to watch Princess this morning while she worked the Santa Shop at Schmo's school. It just so happened that I'd already found someone to cover the morning at work, because Lolly had a vet appointment, so I stopped at her house on the way to the appointment and took Princess with me. Between Lolly not liking the vet and the added responsibility of having Princess with us I was expecting total chaos. Yes, Princess is a great baby, but I'm not used to having extras to take care of anymore! They were both amazing, though. Princess has this calming affect on Lolly that I've never seen before. I noticed it when I took both dogs to visit the monkeys a couple weeks ago, but today it was really evident. Lolly hates being on the table at the vet. Today, Lolly was getting anxious and Princess started climbing the table. I picked Princess up so she could see Lolly. She bent down to pet Lolly and instantly Lolly relaxed. This happened several times, including in the car. Usually Lolly is a decent passenger but not great. Today, she curled up next to Princess and they both fell right to sleep. I took the cutest picture of Them sleeping together and I wish I could share it, but it would definitely lose something if I had to crop Princess's face out, so you'll just have to believe me that they're adorable together! When BBS told me she was pregnant with Princess, I joked that she had enough kids and she should give this one to me. Now I think I need her, because she is so amazing with Lolly. Not to mention just too stinking cute!!

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