Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Top 10 reasons Lolly is the perfect name

I thought long and hard on what to name Lolly.  Wolfey was already named when I adopted him and although I wasn't a huge fan of his name, I also didn't want to change it after he'd been called that for two years.  When Lolly came to stay with me, she had been called Bonnie for two months, only because the agency had to have something to call her, but they didn't know what her name had been before.  I didn't like the name and she didn't really respond to it, so I decided to change it.  I agonized over what to call her and asked input from everyone she came in contact with.  Finally, I took her to my sister's house and asked the monkeys.  They came up with what I thought was a silly but cute name, and it stuck.  Now that I've had her a while, I realize it was actually the perfect name.  Here's why:

10. She's part Australian Shepherd. Australians call suckers lollies.
9. Same concept - she's super sweet, like a lolly!
8. BBS claims Lolly looks like she has a French pedicure and therefore should have a French name. Lolly could pass for French ;)
7. Along the lines of French names, Australian Shepherds are actually from France.
6. She most definitely does everything in her own sweet time.  In my family, we call moving so slowly "lolly gagging".
5. I love to sing.  My new favorite is "Lolly Pup, Lolly Pup, ooh Lolly, Lolly, Lolly, Lolly Pup!" and I can even do the popping sound.  Of course, I usually don't get that far into it, because as soon as I start singing her name she gives me this look like I'm a complete fruit loop!
4. I also sing "Lolly wally doodle all the day" to her.  Hey, it works!
3. It's better than Dog Dog, which is what Doll Baby wanted to (and sometimes still does) call her.
2. The monkeys named her, and in my house, what they say goes :)
And the number one reason Lolly is the perfect name...
She's a total ding dong - always in la la land!

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