Monday, August 27, 2012

The new jogging

Last night was our first walk/jog since Lolly joined our family.  We have walked several times and she is the goofiest walker ever (she prances and keeps walking right into your path), so I hadn't yet gotten up the nerve to try jogging with her.  I decided to give it a shot last night.  I figured the worst that could happen was that she'd take out my knee, I'd fall painfully to the ground and be stranded there, since I don't have cell service where we walk.  No, really, I figured the worst that WOULD happen was that the jog would be unsuccessful and we'd just walk.  But she did great!  The walking parts were still kind of rough, but she was awesome for the jogging.  I think the issue is that when we walk she has too much time to get distracted, so she wonders off, then realizes she has to stick with me and over corrects, running into me or cutting me off.  With jogging, though, we're going quickly enough that she just keeps going and we don't have so many issues with her being a ding dong.  That's not to say we don't have any issues - I did kick her more than once last night - but honestly, most of the problems were when I was walking, or when we were transitioning from walking to jogging or vice versa.  I do believe, though, that between my awkward jogging, her weaving back and forth and getting herself kicked and Wolfey just being a goober, we probably could win some money on America's Funniest Videos.  Now who's going to come film us!?

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