Saturday, August 18, 2012

I think he thinks he's people

Out of sheer laziness I decided to walk around town last night rather than going to the park.  Mistake!  I had forgotten about the psycho dogs on the next block over (who probably scared me more than they did Wolfey, but he was definitely feeding off my tension) and didn't know about the big scary dog a few blocks down from them.  We had recovered from the psycho dogs, who were barking their fool heads off as we passed (Wolfey completely ignored them but was very attentive to me, since he could tell I was nervous) when I heard the big scary dog approaching.  I could tell it was behind the fence I was passing, but wasn't sure how sturdy the fence was, or whether the dog could jump, so I kept calm but picked up my pace, just in case.  No, I am not, nor have I ever been, scared of big dogs, but when it's dark and you can't see what you're dealing with, you've never met the dog before and your only indication of the dog's demeanor is the low growl you hear coming from behind the fence, it can be just a bit intimidating.  Wolfey, on the other hand, was completely oblivious.  He continued strolling along, stopping to sniff at the fence periodically and didn't even seem to notice the dog on the other side of it.  Wolfey didn't even react to the other dog until it started barking like crazy at us, and even then the only thing he did was position himself between me and the other dog.  I guess I should be glad he doesn't react to other dogs - often, I hear the psycho dogs barking in the distance and look out to see Wolfey snuffling around our back yard - but it would be nice if he'd give me a bit of a heads up when there's something big and scary around the corner!

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