Sunday, July 1, 2012

Notso nutso

I think BBS thinks I've finally completely lost it.  We were talking on the phone the other night while I was making a batch of dog food and I was commenting on the fact that I had a bunch of radishes left over that I won't eat.  She asked why I had bought the radishes and I explained that they're for Wolfey and I tried one but still don't like them; she reacted as if I'm nuts.  She claims I put more thought and work into cooking for my dog than she does in cooking for her kids.  I happen to know that she works hard to make sure her kids are properly cared for, it's just that she doesn't really enjoy cooking.  For me, it's not just that I enjoy cooking, both for myself and for my dog, but it's also that buying these weird (for me) fruits and vegetables lets me try things I wouldn't otherwise buy or eat.  For this particular batch of dog food, I bought all my usuals (lettuce, spinach, apples, carrots, broccoli, etc.) but I also branched out and bought the radishes, plums (they're okay, still not a huge fan), pears (love the taste, still can't get past the texture), peaches (still a big no, but Wolfey seems to like them) and fresh cilantro (still not a fan of the smell, but I do like it in salsa!).  So yes, it seems really silly that I bought radishes for my dog when I don't like them, but this has proven to be a good way for me to branch out, not only in what I feed the dog, but in what I eat, as well.  I'm so lucky to cook for my dog and get to experience new things through him!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, but I still think you're crazy!

    Your BBS
