Friday, January 25, 2013

Why rush? Why not?

Several people have asked me if I think Man and I are rushing things by getting engaged so quickly.  It's not that I'm facing negativity or that people are trying to convince me not to marry him (everyone can see how happy we are so there are really no questions there!), it's just that people don't seem to understand how I can be SO sure after such a short time.  In all honesty, I was at a lack for words for a while.  How do you explain that you just know?  Finally, talking to Mom the other night, it occurred to me.

Before Mom, BBS and I went dress shopping I thought I knew exactly what I wanted: all lace, tank style top with a high back, no "bling" and no train.  The dress I (Mom) bought is a smooth, almost satin material with off-the-shoulder straps, a fancy, "bling-y" belt and a mid-length train that I may or may not bustle for the ceremony.  Not only is it not at all what I thought I would end up with, I had imagined that it would take forever to find "the dress" and we found it at the first boutique we looked in.  I don't know why, but I just knew it was "the dress."  I still can't put my finger on why I love it so much, but I didn't want to take it off and I couldn't imagine walking out of that store without my dress in my arms.

And I realized this is exactly how I feel about Man.  I can't explain what it is about him, but I never want to leave him and I can't imagine living my life without him by my side.  So yes, I realize things have moved quickly with this whirlwind romance, but I just wouldn't have it any other way.  I am so lucky to love the man I will love for the rest of my life!

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