Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Changing the rules, midgame

My poor pups have got to be so confused, but they're taking it really well.  Man would prefer to not have animals on the bed (though, as I point out to him pretty regularly, he allows his cat on the bed) once we get married.  While I can understand (neither of us is small, and 1 bed + 2 people + 3 animals ≠ comfortable!), I also feel really guilty that I've allowed the dogs to sleep with me for so long and suddenly I'm kicking them out.  They don't seem to have a problem with it at his house, since they're used to the whole "different place, different rules" thing from hanging out at my sister's and parents' houses, but last night we were at my house and they had a bit of a "my house, my rules" attitude.  Man kicked them off the bed (not literally kicked, but he did give Lolly a boost one time when she was being particularly hard headed about following directions) several times and while Wolfey finally gave up, Lolly ended up at the foot of the bed.  I said this was a fair compromise and convinced Man to let it go.  After all, we've got to work in baby steps when retraining the dogs on something they've been allowed to do for years.  All was well and we were sleeping peacefully until around 2:30am, when Wolfey decided he wanted back up and couldn't find a space.  Did I mention that bed is a queen sized bed, and Man is 6'4"?  We pretty much take up the whole thing.  I wriggled around a bit until I had made a small space for Wolfey to join and gave him the "up" which Lolly immediately responded and took it as her cue to join me at the head of the bed.  Wolfey jumped up into the space Lolly had vacated an both pups were happy.  You may see this as a victory for all, but I know the truth...that Lolly is much longer and taller than Wolfey and the space I had made for him was only about half what she needed...and the other half of her was on top of me...for the rest of the night!  I rarely say it this way, but this was one of those times when she was lucky I love her!

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