Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Yesterday was a crazy day full of happy tears, squealing kids and tons of phone calls.  The proposal was spontaneous (no, we're not the cliche get-engaged-on-a-holiday type) and I was about to walk out the door to meet Bestie for lunch and shopping, so we agreed to call my family and tell Man's daughters when I returned.  Of course I was going to tell Bestie when I saw her, but we planned to tell everyone else together. It didn't go quite as planned, but I think we did pretty well.

Mom called while I was wondering around Target waiting for Bestie to arrive (I was early, somehow!) and I was so excited that I just couldn't not tell her.  I think she thought I was kidding at first, because Man and I haven't been together that long, but she could hear in my voice how excited I was, so she realized I was serious and said, "well I guess we better get to planning a wedding!"  We talked for a short while about dates, locations and dress shopping, but Bestie showed up and I had to get off the phone, so I promised to call back when I got to Man's house so we could tell Dad together.

Bestie arrived at Target and I checked out real quick so we could go to lunch.  We rode together in her car and although I wanted to wait until we were settled in at the restaurant, I just couldn't wait to tell her.  I think she was a bit disappointed when I told her she won't be in the wedding, but she completely understood when I explained that we'll have so many kids in the wedding and neither of us has ever wanted a big wedding.  Bestie is a graphic designer and offered to do our invitations as a wedding gift, as well as offer any help she can with planning the wedding, and I just can't wait to get started with her!

Man's daughters were a little more intimidating to tell, since they would be the most affected by our marriage. We sat all three girls down on the couch and Man told them he had proposed.  They sat stone faced until the oldest (who's 9) said "aaannd?" and I told them I said yes.  They still seemed a bit unsure of how to react and whether we were serious, so I showed them the ring and all three started squealing and jumping up and down.  We had to settle them down again to discuss what that means (me moving in, the dogs always being there, them being in the wedding, etc.) and once again they started squealing with excitement.  They all gave hugs and told me they're happy I'm going to be their stepmom, and little one (age 5) called me "Stepmother" most of the rest of the night.  At one point, the oldest (I'm seeing that they need blog names.  I'll work on that one!) turned to her and said "do you even understand what that means?" to which the little one responded, "all I know is that a stepmother means lots of housework."  I'm so glad the oldest was quick on her feet, because I was a little shocked at that one, but she quickly responded, "Umm, no.  You're thinking of Cinderella."  The little one turned to me and said, "so what does it mean?" to which I responded, "Well, to me it means you've got one more adult in your life who wants to spend lots of time with you and loves you very much."  She threw her arms around me and said, "I love you very much, too!"  Seriously, could anyone ask for a better welcome into a new family?

Dad was called while dinner was in the oven.  I totally put Man on the spot and told Dad that he was on speaker phone and Man had a question for him.  Dad made me wait, because Mom was in the background and made him put it on speaker phone, as well.  I had figured she'd already told him, but when Man asked for Dad's permission to have my hand in marriage, I could tell by his voice that he'd teared up.  I can't believe she was able to keep it a secret!  And of course Dad had the perfect response, "you're over 21 so you don't need my permission, but I do give you my blessing."  I really do have the best dad in the world! Man's oldest was in the room during this call and she leaned in to tell my parents hi.  She's never met them before, but had asked a couple weeks ago if, when Man and I get married, they would be her grandparents. She leaned in to the phone and said, "Hi new Grandma and new Grandpa!" and I could hear my mom tear up when she asked who she was speaking to and welcomed her to the family.  There were many happy tears on both ends and although we didn't talk long, as my parents were in the car on their way to a New Year's party, I have to say it was just about the perfect way to announce an engagement!

BBS was another happy-tear-filled phone call.  I started the conversation by asking her what song she wanted to sing at my wedding.  She didn't really follow, since everything has moved so fast, so then I asked if she would be my Matron of Honor, and immediately the tears started flowing on both ends.  Once again I had it on speaker phone and she apologized to Man for crying and making me cry, and he poked fun at the fact that I'd been crying off and on all day and he's pretty well immune to it by now.  Such a good sport!  She had lots of sisterly advice and Man's eyes glazed over when we started talking details, so I went off to the relative quiet of the bedroom while Man continued work on dinner.  BBS is so awesome and has already come up with lots of ideas.  I'm so lucky to have a wedding-planner-wannabe on my side!

The monkeys were home, so while I had BBS on the phone I asked if I could tell them.  She put me on speaker phone and I told them the news; I got the typical kid responses out of them.  I asked them all if they would be in my wedding and while Buddy gave me the boy "meh," Princess was the first to say "Yes!"  I'm not sure she knew to what she was agreeing, but I'm happy she's on board!

My Foster Friend was the last call of the night and although, after that many calls and happy tears, I was no longer very talkative and she was super tired from having to be at work at 5:30 that morning, she was super excited and we promised to talk details soon.

I am completely wiped out from all the excitement and I haven't stopped smiling in more than 24 hours.  I have no idea what our future holds, but I know I am so lucky to love so many people with whom I can share so much joy!

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