Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Cat conundrum
It's been a while since I've written about feeding the animals but today we had a weird food issue. With the cat. When Man adopted Brady about two years ago he was severely under weight and unhealthy. Man nursed him back to health but unfortunately he's still under weight. When I took Brady and Lolly to the vet a couple weeks ago they said Lolly needed to lose a few pounds (my little porker was under weight when she came to me, but she has really packed it on in the past few months!) and Brady needed to gain a few. It's really too bad it isn't as simple as doing a quick transfer! I had been on Man for months to switch Brady to a home made diet, or at least soft food (cats really shouldn't have dry food) but he was hesitant to change anything since Brady has had so many changes in the past year. I had been giving Brady bites of the dog food, leftover scrambled eggs and other little bits here and there but had left the dry food as it was, in an automatic feeder where Brady could eat as much as he wanted, whenever he wanted. When the vet heard my concerns about Brady vomiting a lot and not gaining weight until I started in with supplementing his diet, she repeated everything I've been saying without me even suggesting that that might be the solution. Man finally conceded and gave me the go-ahead to start the transition to a home made diet. The vet recommended that we start by giving Brady a purchased wet cat food that was similar to his dry food, then slowly give him more and more purchased raw food until we finally get to the point of the home made diet. Man bought some decent quality wet food and I began giving it to Brady in small amounts in the morning and evening. I slowly started mixing the store-bought raw food in and Brady continued to gobble it up and began almost completely ignoring his dry food. I continued to make sure Brady had dry food available, but it seemed that he was eating less and less of it. I got to about a 50/50 mix and Brady turned up his nose at it so I decreased the raw just a bit and we were coasting along just fine. I figured I'd try to increase the raw in the mix again in a few days, but for now just the fact that he was about off the dry food and hadn't vomited in several days was a huge success in my book! Last night Man finally showed some interest in Brady's new diet and asked if he could feed Brady. Of course I jumped at the chance to teach him something new and showed him how to prepare Brady's food and Man took Brady's food to the basement (that's the only place we can keep it away from Lolly the Porker!) and made sure he had a little dry food available, too. This morning, when I went downstairs to feed Brady, I found that he hadn't touched his wet food but his dry food was completely gone and there were two piles of vomit on the basement floor. I can't figure out where we went wrong, but I can't help but wonder if it had something to do with the fact that Man fed Brady last night, and Brady is so used to Man giving him dry food. It's the strangest thing and I'm definitely going to have to experiment with things and keep a close eye on Brady for a while. I'm so thankful Man is on board with changing the food and wants to help out, but it looks as if I may be doing all the animal feedings from now on!
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