Living in a small three bedroom house where one bedroom is used as an office for Man, we have three girls stuffed into one bedroom like sardines. Okay, it's not quite that bad since it's a big bedroom, but it's still tight quarters with three girls, three beds, three wardrobes, you get the point. Consequently, bunk beds are a must. For some reason, our youngest insists on being on the top bunk and although some may question the merits of putting a 6 year old on the top bunk, it's worked out pretty well. Until this week. Sunday night, just as Man and I were getting into bed, we heard our youngest giggling. We thought she was having a dream (she frequently talks in her sleep) and didn't think much of it, but she just kept going, getting louder and louder until we were worried she would wake her sisters. Finally Man went in to quiet her down and she told him she'd wet the bed. We're still not sure why she laughed when she woke up in a wet bed but I talked to her the next day and she told me the reason she peed the bed was because she was afraid she wouldn't be able to make it down the ladder from her bed. We talked about better ways to handle it and agreed that from then on she would call for me if she had to potty during the night and I would help her down from her bed. It sounded like a great idea until she started calling for me every night. I haven't slept through the night since Sunday night and last night, for some reason, between the two of us, I was up 3 times during the night for restroom breaks. Don't get me wrong, I'd much rather go running to get her out of bed than have to change her sheets in the middle of the night, but I could really use a good night's sleep.
I'm one of those people who really needs my sleep. I can go a couple nights with less sleep, but the longer I go, the grumpier I get. Today, I'm pretty grumptastic. I was at the point of saying she couldn't sleep in the top bunk any more when my foster friend had a brilliant idea. She suggested we get our youngest a touch light to mount at the top of the ladder, so when she wakes up she can hit the light and climb down on her own. I'm not sure why I didn't think of it on my own, but it's genius. I plan to pick one up tonight and stick it up there before bed time, and I'm really hoping to get to sleep through the night tonight!
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