SPOILER ALERT: BBS, if any of the monkeys are reading this, don't let them read this post! It will ruin their Christmas surprise!
Mom and I started Christmas shopping yesterday! I've always said I was going to start early but then never followed through. This year, between my hospital bills and the dogs' vet bills, money is super tight, pretty much forcing me to start early, just so I can spread out the expenses. BBS and I also agreed to cut back this year. She and I will not be exchanging gifts (it's only a $20-30 savings, but at this point, every little bit counts) and we discussed that I won't be spending as much on the monkeys as I usually do. So I set out with cash in hand, swearing to not break out the plastic. Amazingly, I'm more than half way done with my Christmas shopping and haven't broken the bank! I found the cutest snowman kit at Target, complete with top hat, carrot nose and biodegradable snow paint and built on that idea. I bought igloo brick molds and little snow shovels and put together a whole snow day kit. I plan to wrap each thing individually and then put it all in one big box to be a group present for all the monkeys. So far I've spent about $30 (there are a few little things I still want to look for, I'm thinking max of $10 more) for FIVE gifts! I also bought a puzzle for my grandma and a little treat for my dad. I've never gotten this much done this early, and it feels really good. On top of that good feeling, Dad called while we were out shopping and invited me to dinner, one of my favorites - sausage and sauerkraut! Yum! What started out as a dull day of housework ended up as a fun, productive and yummy day, complete with a game of Rumikub after dinner. I really am a lucky, lucky girl! Here's hoping Doll Baby's birthday outing tomorrow goes as well!
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